- Vue d’installation dans l’exposition ‘1979. Un monument aux instants radicaux’, avec ‘La Grève’ (1886) de Robert Koehler et ‘Eclips II’ (1978) de Philippe Van Snick. Photo: Marc Roig Blesa.
8 juin 2011 | Actualité | Commentaires fermés sur 1979, Un monument aux instants radicaux
7 juin 2011 | Actualité | Commentaires fermés sur Picasso en Palestine
Sander Buyck, « West Bank Walls » , 2010. Vue d'installation, Alost (Belgique), mai 2011. © Sander Buyck
31 mai 2011 | Art et politique | 1
Alyse Emdur, Prison Landscapes, Collection and Correspondence, 2008-2011, Cabinet Magazine, Issue 37
27 mai 2011 | Théorie | Commentaires fermés sur The Art of Strip Photography
Voici un résumé du livre:
Photographic images can, apart from their capacity to show, convey an experience – a quality that has seldom been recognized. In this book the artist and photographer Maarten Vanvolsem explains how the strip technique can tell a different story of time and space in photographic images, a story that leads to new expressions and experiences of time and movement. The strip technique itself seems to be neglected in the debate on time and photography, although it has a long history. Its use is widespread and, especially in recent years, more and more artists rediscover the technique. Based on an historical overview, a knowledge and understanding of the technique, and experiments with the building of cameras, this book will propose a new use of this forgotten art: a use in which the temporal terms ‘speed’, ‘rhythm’, and ‘pace’ are of more value than terms so often associated with photography such as ‘freeze’, ‘split second’, or ‘capture’. Within the book one can find more than thirty artists using the strip technique for their artistic practice. A lot of the artwork produced goes beyond traditional photography and the standards set by the photo industry. The research also reveals the extent to which artists use the technique to rediscover the time-based possibilities of the photographic image.
26 mai 2011 | Point de vue | Commentaires fermés sur Henri Leys ou le passé repensé
Henri Leys, "Adriaen van Haemstede prêchant de manière clandestine la réforme à Anvers vers 1552", 1858. Huile sur panneau, 100 x 175 cm. Collection privée. Photo: Hôtel de ventes Bernaerts - Anvers. UIUI 02.
20 mai 2011 | Journal | Commentaires fermés sur French Theory. Réception dans les arts visuels aux États-Unis entre 1965 et 1995
| Actualité | Art et politique | Commentaires fermés sur Spectres de Sven Augustijnen
18 mai 2011 | Point de vue | 2
Victor Burgin, "Marguerite Bonnelasvals" (Video Still de "Hôtel D") — UIUI 01. Copyright Victor Burgin.
| Non classé | Commentaires fermés sur Photography Theory in Historical Perspective